Hanuman Ji Puja Vidhi: Discover Sacred Blessings and Rituals

- Hanuman Ji Puja Vidhi
Engaging in Hanuman Ji Puja Vidhi, the worship of Lord Hanuman, is a deeply spiritual experience filled with special rituals and practices that connect us with the divine. Here’s a simpler explanation of the process:
Morning Ritual: It all begins in the morning with a purifying bath. We also make a promise to fast, which means not eating for a while. This prepares us for a spiritual journey.
Setting Up: After we leave behind our everyday worries, we place a sacred image or statue of Lord Hanuman on a strong wooden stand. We cover it with red or golden cloth. As we sit on a clean mat, a peaceful feeling surrounds us.
Cleansing: We carefully clean the idol or image. If it’s a picture, we make sure it’s very clean too. Then, we start the ceremony by lighting incense and a special lamp that smells nice.
Chanting and Mark: We chant the sacred words “Om Aim Hanumate Ramadutaya Namah.” After that, we put a special red mark, called a tilak, on Lord Hanuman’s forehead. We use our right ring finger for this. Then, we offer things like sindoor, sandalwood paste, and sweet-smelling oils to make Lord Hanuman look beautiful.
Five-Step Puja: We carefully do the Panchopchar Puja, which involves five steps. Each step is important.
Special Offering: We offer a special Prasad, but we make sure it doesn’t have salt, chili, or oil. It’s made with a lot of care and respect.
Aarti and Sharing: We perform aarti, which is a ceremony where we show a special light to Lord Hanuman. We offer the Prasad to the deity again. As a final act of love and devotion, we share it with everyone present, giving blessings to all.
The reverent observance of Hanuman Ji’s Puja, infused with unwavering devotion and punctuated with intricate rituals, serves as a powerful way to connect with the divine and make our deepest desires come true. It’s a beautiful journey of faith and love. Jai Hanuman Ji!
Worshipping Lord Hanuman is a special and sacred practice. Here are some simple guidelines to follow:
Clean and Sacred Place: Make sure the place where you do Hanuman Puja is very clean and pure. It can be at home, in a temple, or any special spot you choose.
Right Time: It’s best to do Hanuman Puja during specific good times, but you can also do it in the morning or evening when things are peaceful.
Red Flowers: It’s nice to use red flowers for offerings and decoration during the Puja.
Light a Lamp: Start by lighting a lamp. Use a special red thread for the wick. This is an important tradition. You can use fragrant jasmine oil or pure ghee in the lamp.
Aarti and Prasad: After you show your respect to Hanuman Ji, do an aarti and offer jaggery and chickpeas as a special offering called Prasad. You can also offer sweets like saffron laddoos, besan laddoos, or malai mishri.
Simple Clothes: During Hanuman Ji’s Puja, wear simple clothes, just one piece of clothing.
Proper Placement: If you have a Hanuman idol or image, place it on a clean mat. Cover the wooden platform with red fabric. A mat made of Kusha grass is best.
By following these Hanuman Ji Puja Vidhi guidelines, you show your love and respect for Lord Hanuman in a pure and devoted way. May Lord Hanuman always bless you. Jai Hanuman!
Certainly, here are some simple precautions to keep in mind when performing Hanuman Ji Puja Vidhi:
Cleanliness: Ensure the place of worship is clean and pure, whether it’s at home, in a temple, or any chosen spot.
Appropriate Timing: Try to perform Hanuman Puja during auspicious times, but you can also do it in the morning or evening when it’s peaceful.
Use Red Flowers: Red flowers are favored for offerings and decoration during the Puja.
Lamp Lighting: Begin by lighting a lamp with a red thread for the wick. You can use fragrant jasmine oil or pure ghee in the lamp.
Aarti and Prasad: After showing your respect to Hanuman Ji, perform an aarti and offer jaggery and chickpeas as Prasad. Sweets like saffron laddoos, besan laddoos, or malai mishri can also be offered.
Simple Attire: Wear simple clothing, just one piece, during Hanuman Ji Puja Vidhi.
Proper Placement: If you have a Hanuman idol or image, place it on a clean mat, preferably on a wooden platform covered with red fabric. A mat made of Kusha grass is ideal.
By observing these precautions, you can perform Hanuman Puja with love and devotion while ensuring a pure and respectful experience. May Lord Hanuman’s blessings always be with you. Jai Hanuman!
Hanuman Ji Puja Mantra | संक्षिप्त हनुमद पूजन
॥ ध्यान समर्पण मन्त्र ॥
कर्णिकार सुवर्णाभं वर्णनीयं गुणोत्तमम् ।
अर्णवोल्लङ्घनोद्सुक्तं तूर्ण ध्यायामि मारुतिम् ॥
ॐ श्रीहनुमते नमः ध्यानं समर्पयामि ॥१ ॥
॥ गन्ध समर्पण मन्त्र ॥
दिव्यकर्पूरसंयुक्त मृगनाभिसन्वितम् ।
सकुंकुमं पीतगन्धं ललाटे धारय प्रभो ॥
ॐ श्रीहनुमते नमः गन्धं समर्पयामि ॥ २ ॥
॥ पुष्प समर्पण मन्त्र ॥
ऋतु कालोद्भवं पुष्पं पुष्पमालां तथैव च ।
संगृहाण महावीर रामभक्त महाकपे ॥
ॐ श्रीहनुमते नमः पुष्पं समर्पयामि ॥ ३ ॥
॥ धूप समर्पण मन्त्र ॥
वनस्पति रसोपेतं सुगन्धाढयं मनोहरम् ।
धूपं च संगृहाणेदं महाबल यशोधन ॥
ॐ श्रीहनुमते नमः धूपमाघ्रापयामि ॥ ४ ॥
॥ दीप समर्पण मन्त्र ॥
घृतपूरितमुज्जवालं सितसूर्य समप्रभम् ।
अतुलं तव दास्यामि व्रतपूत्यै सुदीपकम् ॥
ॐ श्रीहनुमते नमः दीपं दर्शयामि ॥ ५ ॥
॥ नैवेद्य समर्पण मन्त्र ॥
नैवेद्यं मधुरं देव शुभसंस्कार संस्कृतम् ।
मया समर्पितं नाथ संगृहाण सुरर्षभ ॥
ॐ श्रीहनुमते नमः नैवेद्यं निवेदयामि ॥ ६ ॥
|| नमस्कार मन्त्र ॥
नमस्तेस्तु महावीर नमस्ते वायु-नन्दन ।
विलोक्य कृपया नित्यं त्राहि मां भक्तवत्सल ॥
ॐ श्रीहनुमते नमः नमस्कारं समर्पयामि ॥ ७ ॥
॥ Meditation dedication mantra॥
The earrings are golden in color and are of the best quality to be described. I
immediately meditate upon the wind-god, who is excited to cross the ocean.
ॐ Śrī Hanuman Namah I offer my meditation ॥1॥
॥ Gandh Surrender Mantra॥
It is adorned with divine camphor and is surrounded by a deer’s navel I
. O Lord, please place this yellow-scented saffron flower on your forehead॥
ॐ Śrī Hanuman Namah I offer fragrance.॥ 2 ॥
॥ Flower Offering Mantra ॥
The flowers that grow in the seasons are also a garland of flowers I
O mighty hero, devotee of Rama, great Hanuman, please collect me.॥
ॐ Śrī Hanuman Namah I offer flowers॥ 3 ॥
II Dhoop Surrender Mantra II
It is rich in fragrance and delightful with the taste of plants I
O mighty Yaśodhā please collect this incense॥
ॐ Śrī Hanuman Namah I offer incense. ॥4 ॥
॥Deep (lamps)Surrender Mantra ॥
It was bright and filled with ghee and shone like the white sun I
shall give you an incomparable lamp to purify your vow.॥
ॐ Sri Hanuman Namah: The lamp I’ll show you. ||5 ॥
॥ Naivedya dedication mantra॥
The offering is sweet, O Lord, and is sanctified by auspicious rituals I
O Lord, best of the demigods,please accept what I have offered to you.॥
ॐ Śrī Hanuman Namah I offer the offering ॥ 6 ॥
II Namaskar Mantra ॥
O mighty hero, O delight of the wind, I offer my respectful obeisances unto You I
O most affectionate devotee, please always look upon me and save me with Your mercy II
ॐ Śrī Hanuman Namah I offer my respectful obeisances. II7 ॥