Sankat Mochan Hanuman Stotra (संकट मोचन हनुमान स्तोत्रम् )

The “Sankat Mochan Hanuman Stotra” is not just a set of verses; it’s a cherished treasure for devotees around the world. Dedicated to Lord Hanuman, the divine simian deity and a devoted follower of Lord Rama, this hymn holds immense significance. When people recite it, they do so with profound reverence and unwavering faith, as if pouring their hearts out to seek Lord Hanuman’s blessings in navigating life’s challenges and trials.

This hymn begins by fervently calling upon Lord Hanuman for immediate assistance, underlining the urgency of the plea. As the verses unfold, they vividly retell various episodes from Hanuman’s awe-inspiring life, showcasing his unmatched devotion, incredible strength, and unswerving loyalty to Lord Rama. The hymn narrates his heroic deeds, including the valiant rescue of Sita and the triumphant defeat of the demon king Ravana.

Each verse doesn’t merely sing praises of Hanuman; it also serves as a poignant reminder of the boundless power of faith and devotion. This hymn encourages surrendering to a higher purpose and stresses the importance of taking refuge in the divine during times of hardship.

The profound depth of devotion coursing through this hymn is palpable. It’s believed to cleanse the mind, body, and soul, purging negativity and nurturing inner peace. It inspires devotees to dedicate their actions to a greater good, transcending the worries of the world, much like Hanuman’s unwavering commitment to Lord Rama.

In temples dedicated to Lord Hanuman, the Sankat Mochan Hanuman Stotra echoes daily during morning and evening rituals. It infuses the atmosphere with a charged, divine fervor. The aroma of incense, the resounding peal of bells, and the warm glow of the aarti flame combine to create a sanctified ambiance that touches the very core of the soul.)

संकट मोचन हनुमान स्तोत्रम्

काहे बिलम्ब करो अञ्जनी-सुत सङ्कट बेगि में होहु सहाई ।

नहिं जप जोग न ध्यान करो तुम्हरे पद पङ्कज में सिर नाई ।

खेलत खात अचेत फिरौं ममता मद लोभ रहे तन छाई ।

हेरत पन्थ रहो निसि वासर कारन कौन विलम्ब लगाई ।

काहे बिलम्ब करो अञ्जनी सुत सङ्कट बेगि में होहु सहाई ।

जो अब आरत होइ पुकारत राखि लेहु यम फाँस बचाई ।

रावन गर्व हने दस मस्तक घेरि लंगूर की कोट बनाई ।

निशिचर मारि विध्वंस कियो घृत लाइ लंगूर में लंक जराई ।

जाइ पताल हने अहिरावण, देविहि टारि पाताल पठाई ।

वै भुज काह भये हनुमन्त लियो जिहि ते सब सन्त बचाई ।

औगुन मोर क्षमा करु साहेब जानिपरी भुज की प्रभुताई ।

भवन अधार बिना घृत दीपक टूटि परो यम त्रास दिखाई ।

काहि पुकार करो यहि औसर भूलि गई जिय की चतुराई ।

गाढ़ परे सुख देत तुहीं प्रभु रोषित देखि के जात डेराई ।

छाड़े हैं माता पिता परिवार पराई गही शरणागत आई ।

जन्म अकारथ जात चले हनुमान बिना नहिं कोउ सुहाई ।

मझधारहिं मम बेड़ी अड़ी भवसागर पार लगाओ गोसाईं ।

पूज कोऊ कृत काशी गयो मह कोऊ रहे सुर ध्यान लगाई ।

जानत शेष महेश गणेश सुदेश सदा तुम्हरे गुन गाई ।

और अवलम्ब न आस छुटै सब त्रास छुटे हरिभक्ति दृढ़ाई ।

सन्तन के दुख देखि सहैं नहिं जान परि बड़ी वार लगाई ।

एक अचंभो लखो हिय में कछु कौतुक देखि रहो नहिं जाई ।

कहूँ ताल मृदंग बजावत गावतजात महादुख बेगि नसाई ।

मूरित एक अनूप सुहावन का बरणो वह सुन्दरताई ।

कुञ्चित केश कपोल बिराजत कौन कली बिच भौंर लुभाई ।

गरजै घनघोर घमण्ड घटा बरसै जल अमृत देखि सोंहाई ।

केतिक क्रूर बसे नभ सूरज सूरसती रहे ध्यान लगाई ।

भूपन भौन विचित्र सोहावन गैर बिना बर बेनु बजाई ।

किंकिन शब्द सुनै जग मोहित हीरा जड़े बहु झालर लाई ।

सन्तन के दुख देखि सको नहिं जान परि बड़ी बार लगाई ।

सन्त समाज सबै जपते सुरलोक चले प्रभु के गुण गाई ।

केतिक क्रूर बसे जग में भगवन्त बिना नहिं कोऊ सहाई ।

नहिं कछु वेद पढ़ो नहिं ध्यान धरो बनमाहिं इकन्तहि जाई ।

केवल कृष्ण भज्यो अभिअन्तर धन्य गुरू जिन पन्य दिखाई ।

स्वारथ जन्म भये तिनके जिन्हको हनुमन्त लियो अपनाई ।

का बरणो करनी तरनी जल मध्य पड़ी धरि पार लगाई ।

जाहि जपै भव फन्द कटैं अब पन्थ सोई तुम देहु दिखाई ।

हेरि हिये मन में गुनिये मन छूटि गयो जिय काह समाई ।

साँस चले पछितात सोई तन जात चले अनुमान बड़ाई ।

यह जीवन जन्म है थोड़े दिना मोहिं का करिहै यमत्रास दिखाई।

काहि कहै कोऊ व्यवहार करै छलछिद्र में जन्म गवाँई ।

रे मन चोर तू सत्य कहा अब का करिहैं यम त्रास दिखाई।

जीव दया करु साधु की सङ्गत लेहि अमर पद लोक बड़ाई ।

रहा न औसर जात चले भजिले भगवन्त धनुर्धर राई ।

काहे बिलम्ब करो अञ्जनीसुत संङ्कट बेगि में होहु सहाई ।

॥ इति संकट मोचन समाप्त ॥


Sankat Mochan Hanuman Stotra (English translation with meaning)


Kaahe bilamb karo Anjani-sut,

sankat begi mein hohu sahaayi.

 (Why delay, O son of Anjana, come quickly to help in my difficulties.)


Nahi jap jog na dhyaan karo,

tumhare pad pankaj mein sir naayi.

 (I don’t do meditation or yoga; my head is bowed at your lotus feet.)


Khelat khaat achet phirau,

mamta mad lobh rahe tan chaai. 

(Lost in play, I am unconscious, and my body is engulfed in desires and greed.)


Herat panth raho nisi vaasar,

kaaran kaun vilamb lagaai.

 (Wondering aimlessly day and night, why delay the cause?)


Kaahe bilamb karo Anjani-sut,

sankat begi mein hohu sahaayi.

 (Why delay, O son of Anjana, come quickly to help in my difficulties.)


Jo ab aarat hoi pukaarat,

raakhi lehu Yam phaas bachaai.

 (Now, as I cry for help, save me from the noose of Yama.)


Raavan garv hane das mastak,

gheri langur ki kot banaai. 

(Ravana’s pride was shattered as Langur created a bridge with his tail.)


Nishachar maari vidhvans kiyo,

ghrut laai langur mein Lanka jalaai. 

(He destroyed the demons and set Lanka ablaze with ghee in his tail.)


Jaai patal hane Ahiravan,

devihi taari paatal pathaai.

 (He went to Patala and rescued Ahiravan, the demon, at the request of the goddess.)


Vai bhuj kaahe hane Hanuman,

liyo jihi te sab sant bachaai. 

(With his strong arms, Hanuman took away all the saints from danger.)


Augun mor kshama karu saahab,

jaanipari bhuj ki prabhutaai. 

(Forgive my faults, Lord; I know the power of your arms.)


Bhavan adhaar bina ghrut deepak,

tooti paro Yam traas dikhayi.

 (Without your support, the lamp of my life is about to be extinguished; I see the terror of Yama.)


Kaahe pukaar karo yahi ausar,

bhooli gayi jiya ki chaturaai. 

(Why do you call out now, at this moment, having forgotten the cleverness of your mind?)


Gaadh pare sukh detu tuhi,

prabhu roshit dekhi ke jaat deraai.

 (You can give boundless happiness; the Lord’s anger is frightening.)


Chhade hain maata pita parivaar,

parayi gahi sharanagat aai. 

(I have left behind my parents and family and have come to the refuge of a stranger.)


Janm akarath jaat chale Hanuman,

bina nahi koi suhaai.

 (I am leaving this unprofitable life, O Hanuman; without you, there is no support.)


Majhadhaarhin mam bedi aṛi,

bhavasagar paar lagaao Gosaai. 

(My boat is trapped in the middle of the ocean of existence; take me to the other shore, O Lord.)


Pooj koou krit Kaashi gayo mah,

koou rahe sur dhyaan lagaai.

 (Some worship in Kashi, while others meditate on the heavens.)


Jaanat shesh Mahesh Ganesh,

sada tumhare gun gaai. 

(Knowing Shesh, Mahesh, and Ganesh, they always sing your praises.)


Aur avalamb na aas chhutai,

sab traas chhute Haribhakti dridhaai. 

(Without any other support, all fears are removed with strong devotion to Hari.)


Santan ke dukh dekhi sahai,

nahi jaan pari badi vaar lagaai.

 (Seeing the suffering of devotees, I cannot bear it, and great pain arises.)


Ek achambho lakh ho hiye mein,

man chooti gayo jiya kaah samaai.

 (An inexplicable wonder arises in my heart; my mind has lost its way.)


Kahu taal mridang bajaavat,

gaavat jaat mahaadukh begi nasaai. 

(Some play musical instruments and sing, quickly dispelling great sorrow.)


Moorit ek anoop suhaavan ka,

barano vah sundartaai.

 (Such an incomparable and beautiful form is rarely seen.)


Kunchit kesh kapol biraajat,

kaun kali bich bhaunr lubhaai. 

(With curly hair and shining face, who can resist your charm?)


Garjai ghan-ghor ghamand ghata,

barsai jal amrit dekhi soṅhaai. 

(Thunder roars, and the sky is filled with clouds; seeing the nectar-like rain, it looks beautiful.)


Ketik krur base nabhu suraj,

soorsati rahe dhyaan lagaai.

 (Cruel creatures dwell in the sky; Surasati continues to meditate.)


Bhupan bhaun vichitr sohaavan,

gair bina bar ben bajaaai.

(The earth and sky look strange and beautiful, with the sound of various instruments playing without players.)


Kinkin shabd sunai jag mohit,

hira jad bahuh jhaalar laai. 

(The sound of tinkling bells captivates the world, and many jewels and pearls fall.)


Santan ke dukh dekhi sako nahi,

jaan pari badi baar lagaai. 

(Unable to bear the suffering of devotees, I cried out loudly.)


Sant samaj sab japte surlok,

chale prabhu ke gun gaai. 

(All saints and communities chant, and they reach the divine world, singing the praises of the Lord.)


Ketik krur base jag mein Bhagwan,

bina nahi koee sahaai. 

(Cruel beings reside in the world; without the Lord, no one can help.)


Nahi kuchh Ved padho nahi dhyaan dharo,

ban maahin ikantahi jaai.

 (I don’t study the Vedas, nor do I meditate; I have gone deep into the forest.)


Keval Krishna bhajyo abhiantar,

dhany guru jin panya dikhaai.

 (I worship only Krishna internally, and I am grateful to the Guru who showed me the way.)


Swaarth janam bhaye tinke,

jinhako Hanuman liyo apnaai.

 (Their selfish births became worthwhile because they accepted Hanuman as their own.)


Kaa barano karani tarani,

jal madhy padi dhari paar lagaai. 

(Why hesitate now? Cross the ocean by holding onto my tail.)


Jahi japai bhav phand katain,

ab panth soee tum dehu dikhaai.

 (The one who chants and cuts through the cycle of birth and death, now show me that path.)


Heri hiye mann mein guniye,

mann chhoot gayo jiya kaah samaai.

 (My heart rejoices, my mind is free, and my soul has found its way.)


Saans chale pachhitaat soee

, tan jaat chale anumaan badaai.

 (Breath departs afterward, the body is left, and a great wonder arises.)


Yah jeevan janam hai thode dina,

mohin ka karihai Yama traas dikhai.

 (This life is just a few days; why subject me to the terror of Yama?)


Kaahi kahe koo vyavahaar karai,

chhalachhidra mein janam gavaai.

 (Why do some people engage in deceitful behavior, losing their birth in trickery?)


Re mann chor tu satya kaha,

ab ka karahin Yam traas dikhai. 

(O deceitful mind, speak the truth; what will you do when Yama shows his terror?)


Jeev daya karu sadhu ki sangat,

lehi amar pad lok badaai. 

(May I have compassion for the company of saints, ascending to the immortal realm.)


Raha na ausar jaat chale,

bhajile Bhagwant dhanoor-dhar raai.

 (No time is left; I am leaving now, worshiping the Lord who wields the bow.)


Kaahe bilamb karo Anjani-sut,

sankat begi mein hohu sahaayi. 

(Why delay, O son of Anjana, come quickly to help in my difficulties.)


Iti Sankat Mochan Samapt. 

(Thus, Sankat Mochan ends.)


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